files for each tag deploymentR/writeQC.R
writes a single QCsummary.csv file and/or tag-deployment-specific temporal_outcome
of quality-controlled detections to .csv
writeQC(x, path = NULL, summary = TRUE, csv = TRUE)
a nested tibble with class remora_QC
generated by runQC
path to write QC'd files to. If NULL the files are written to the working directory
whether to generate a summary .csv
file. If TRUE then
is written to the specified path
whether to generate the individual .csv
files. If TRUE (default) then
each file is written to the specified path
.csv files and/or a QCsummary.csv file are written to the specified path
takes a remora_QC
nested tibble and writes .csv files
corresponding to each row of the nested tibble. A summary of the QC process
is written to QCsummary.csv
. The summary contains the following information for each QC'd tag
(see references for more details):
total detections - the number of raw detections
detections_before_deployment - the number of detections recorded prior to deployment date in metadata
invalid_deployment_location - logical indicating whether deployment longitude,latitude is valid
detections_outside_species_range - the number of detections that occurred outside the species expert distribution
valid_detections - the number of detections that passed the QC process (QC flags 1 and 2)
tracking_duration_days - the number of days between deployment and the last valid detection
invalid_velocity - the number of detections associated with implausible travel speeds
Hoenner X et al. (2018) Australia’s continental-scale acoustic tracking database and its automated quality control process. Sci Data 5, 170206 https://doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2017.206
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
## example QC'd data
## write QC output
writeQC(TownsvilleReefQC, summary = TRUE)
} # }