conduct quality control (QC) on IMOS-ATF acoustic detections data

  lat.check = TRUE,
  .parallel = FALSE,
  .ncores = detectCores() - 2,
  .progress = TRUE



a 4-element list of paths to detections, receiver and transmitter deployment metadata, and animal measurements data files. These data must be downloaded from the IMOS-ATF Web App (URL), or have exactly the same structure and variable names as the Web App data.


(logical; default TRUE) test for receiver_deployment_latitudes in N hemisphere at correct to S hemisphere. Set to FALSE if QC'ing N hemisphere data


logical; run QC tests in parallel across multiple processors (default is FALSE)


integer; number of cores to run in parallel. If NULL and parallel = TRUE then process will run across all available cores, otherwise run across user-specified cores


logical; display QC progress (default is TRUE).


the QC output is returned to the parent frame as a nested tibble with class remora_QC


The QC process merges data from the supplied files downloaded via the IMOS-ATF Web App (URL): IMOS_detections.csv; IMOS_receiver_deployment_metadata.csv; IMOS_transmitter_deployment_metadata.csv; and IMOS_animal_measurements.csv. Eight quality control tests are performed on the detections, as outlined in Hoenner et al. (2018), and QC flags are appended to the merged data for each of these 8 tests.

The QC flags are values ranging between 1 and 4, representing valid, likely valid, likely invalid, and invalid detections, respectively. The user can then employ these flags, in various combinations, to filter the merged data (see examples & vignette).

Utility functions are provided to subset the merged data in various ways from the nested tibble and to visualise the QC results (see examples & vignette).

A QC log is written to QC_logfile.txt in the working directory. The logfile documents potential data issues discovered during the QC process: e.g., transmitter_deployment_id's present in the detections file but not in the transmitter metadata file (if supplied); receiver_deployment_id's present in the detections file but not in the receiver metadata file (if supplied); NA's present in transmitter deployment locations. Generally, these issues can not be corrected automatically and require the user to investigate the cause and take appropriate steps to correct the data.


Hoenner, X et al (2018) Australia’s continental-scale acoustic tracking database and its automated quality control process. Scientific Data 5, 170206.


## specify files to QC - use supplied example .csv data
files <- list(det = system.file(file.path("test_data","IMOS_detections.csv"),
                    package = "remora"),
              rmeta = system.file(file.path("test_data",
                    package = "remora"),
              tmeta = system.file(file.path("test_data",
                    package = "remora"),
              meas = system.file(file.path("test_data",
                    package = "remora"))
qc.out <- runQC(files)
#> Reading data...
#> Starting sequential QC...
file: A69-9002-14762_43669513_43669944, 1 of 5    
file: A69-9002-14765_43669525_43669972, 2 of 5    
file: A69-9002-13807_69918686_69918684, 3 of 5    
file: A69-9002-13809_77523181_77523186, 4 of 5    
file: A69-9002-13824_93016177_93016182, 5 of 5    
plotQC(qc.out, path = ".") # saves .html file to working directory

## get detections with QC flags
d.qc <- grabQC(qc.out, what = "dQC")

## clean up
system("rm QC_logfile.txt *_QCmap.html")