Creates an interactive depth-time plot from a sensor dataset from a specified IMOS mooring, with an option to overlay species detection records from tracking dataset from closest receiver
dateStart = NULL,
dateEnd = NULL,
varName = c("temperature", "vcur", "ucur", "psal"),
trackingData = NULL,
IDtype = "CAAB",
detStart = NULL,
detEnd = NULL
Dataframe containing the sensor data from a single IMOS mooring.
Character string specifying mooring name using IMOS ID code.
Optional character string of start date of date range of mooring data to plot, as "YYYY-MM-DD"
Optional character string of end date of date range of mooring data to plot, as "YYYY-MM-DD"
Character string of mooring sensor variable of interest. Can be "temperature", "ucur" for meridional (u) velocity, "vcur" for zonal (v) velocity
Dataframe containing tag detections data to plot. Takes output from getDistance() function as input. Set as NULL for a base plot with no detections.
Character string describing species or tag identifier.
Character string describing type of species or tag identifier. Can be CAAB code, tag ID, common name or scientific name. Must match identifier in detections dataset.
Optional character string of start date of date range of detections data to overlay on depth-time plot.
Optional character string of end date of date range of detections data to overlay on depth-time plot.